Member Partnerships

PECO’s time and money donated to Cradles to Crayons make a major difference in the lives of less fortunate children in the greater Philadelphia area.
PECO has joined the Satell Institute Collective Force as a founding corporate member by making a four-year pledge to Cradles to Crayons. Cradles to Crayons works to provide children with clothing and school essentials they need, free of charge. Through their work, Cradles to Crayons connects communities that have with communities that need. The impact of Cradles to Crayons’ work has certainly been felt, as their remarkable initiatives have served over 1.2 million children.
PECO partners with Cradles to Crayons for a number of collection and donation drives each year, but their biggest event is the Big Give. The Big Give is Cradles to Crayons’ most critical collection annually as the Philadelphia region gears up for the colder winter weather. Not only does PECO sponsor the Big Give collection, but PECO employees also spend their time volunteering with Cradles to Crayons, organizing and cleaning toys, clothes and educational items that have been donated.
Former CEO

Working with the nonprofit community and associating ourselves with strong, community-based organizations gives our customers a chance to see that PECO invests in causes that are important to them.